Separate names with a comma.
[ATTACH] Aliens. You neighbor pretends to have been abducted already and you know that inspector in town who is a real nerd about it. Might be a...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 5 Paintings – Hell Square – volume 1 - Modern stuff. Modern Art ! [ATTACH] For some of us, art isn’t about...
[ATTACH] For some of us, art isn’t about oil paints, it is more modern … and acrylic ;) Here, have 5 modern square paintings with modern art on...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Paintings – classiKa Magritte - Have some really thought-provoking paintings on your walls. [ATTACH] Here...
[ATTACH] Here comes a complete pack of paintings recolours in various style. An Ode to Magritte based on some … painting by EA. Have some really...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Paintings – classiKa – volume 2 - Classical art is timeless [ATTACH] Today we are bringing classical art...
[ATTACH] Today we are bringing classical art to your Sims house. Classical art is timeless, Sims like a lot to get some beauty for their insides...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 … x3 = 21 K Artworks – volume 1 - Different styles for different atmospheres, still all giving a calm and...
[ATTACH] Here comes a complete pack of Artworks ( maxis ode to Jazz recolours ) in various styles. 7 series of 3 artworks : all different ( of...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Paintings – classiKa – volume 1 - Before pixels and internet, there were painters and paintings [ATTACH]...
My dreams are so random it's not even funny. My partner have dreams so adventurous, she competes with Indiana Jones. There's no justice I'm...
Resource God ? Resource Star ? Oh come on guys ! We'll blush for a month long now :D
Floors are uploaded. Attacking paintings & artworks. Some of us are big fans of art.
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 3 Paintings – ClassiK Free Art - Here is our hommage to Kasimir Malevich ( beginning of 20th century )...
[ATTACH] Abstract art isn’t present enough in the Sims 4. Here is our hommage to Kasimir Malevich ( beginning of 20th century ) 3 individual...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 2 Paintings – Stack of Paintings - Under this complicated title are the recolours of a stack of paintings...
[ATTACH] Under this complicated title are the recolours of a stack of paintings :D The originals look like photos stretch on canvas ( personal...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: Metal Door x12 – Build’n Doors – Metaaal ! - A bit grunge, a bit eccentric, a bit industrial [ATTACH] Doors...
[ATTACH] Doors are opportunities, secrets, worlds … they are important, never neglect doors ! To help you with this, we had fun making twelve...