Separate names with a comma.
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Alice Madness Returns- Queen's Pillar and Gate - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. The "gate"...
The "gate" functions as a wedding arch 'cuz those vampires need to get married too! [ATTACH] Get the Sims 2 version *HERE*
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: DAI Throne Circle of Magi - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. Mesh from Dragon Age Inquisition. This...
Mesh from Dragon Age Inquisition. Extracted by raccooncitizen. This throne comes in two pieces. The back has permanent flames, and it has no...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Katy's Kandy - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. Sims 3 SP06 fountain Candy 2x2 slightly modified and...
Sims 3 SP06 fountain Candy 2x2 slightly modified and functioning as a candy dish. [ATTACH]
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Haggy''s Trick~Or~Treat Surprise - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. Surprise gift for Halloween 2018...
Surprise gift for Halloween 2018 Meshes from Sims 3
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: AMR Duchess Stove - Converted from Sadepaivas' Sims 2 version. [ATTACH] There is no inside of this oven....
[ATTACH] There is no inside of this oven. The oven door does open, but the food slides through a "solid" wall. If this is a problem, this is...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Castaway Stories Hobo Stove (With bonus *Perma-Flame* Logs from Sims 4) - WIP: specular and bump maps are...
The permanently burning logs can be placed inside of the oven (or anywhere else decor can go) for visual effect. The logs have no footprint so it...
Added thumbnail overlay.
BigUglyHag updated AMR Eat Me Table (Rectangular) with a new update entry: Added thumbnail overlay. Read the rest of this update entry...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: AMR Eat Me Table (Rectangular) - Modified from Sadepaivas' Sims 2 version. This is a combination of the...
This is a combination of the Alice Madness Returns "Eat Me" table and Sims 4's Undersea Traditional Dining Table. The AMR table was modified from...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Alice Madness Returns Throne - Converted from Sadepaivas' Sims 2 versions. [ATTACH] This isconverted from...
[ATTACH] This is converted from Sadepaivas' Sims 2 versions of Alice Madness Returns throne.
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Alice Madness Returns Chairs and Sofas - Converted from Sadepaivas' Sims 2 versions. [ATTACH] These are...
[ATTACH] These are converted from Sadepaivas' Sims 2 versions of Alice Madness Returns chairs and sofas *here* and *here* [ATTACH]