Separate names with a comma.
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 2 Egyptian Sarcophagi – volume 1 & 2 - They belong in a museum ! [ATTACH] You remember when we were younger...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 10 Chairs – Ekai serie In Green - Are they fancy chairs for a bank clerk ? Are they chairs for Vegesims ? You...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 10 Chairs- Ekai serie In Brown - This chair is good for calm atmosphere in a boudoir, in a study, anywhere you...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 10 Chairs – Ekai serie LSD Style - Modern architecture requires minimalism to be chic, fancy and popular....
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 10 Chairs – Ekai serie In Red - Still, it lacks the discomfort of plastic. Modern architecture requires...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 10 Chairs – Ekai serie In Blue - Modern architecture requires minimalism to be chic, fancy and popular....
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 15 Avanti! Leather Armchairs – volume 1 - Leather of every colour, easy of care, looking good and giving you...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 15 Suitable Windsor Sofas – volume 1 - Have you ever wanted to touch the furnitures when you visited a...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Beddings – Ryu serie – volume 2 - Contemporary japan themed, the stuff your teenage or young adult would...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Beddings – Madura serie – volume 1 - Nice, simple, calming patterns for bedroom meant to make any Sim go to...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 5 Bedframes – Doublepod – volume 1 - Complete customization. You know … that old stuff we had in Sims 3 ?...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Wood Beds – Madura Serie – volume 1 - … Its story is as simple as the bed itself … [ATTACH] Here come 7...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 15 Pluton Sofas – volume 1 - Its story is surely interesting indeed ( because it is a Sims 3 sofa with a long...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 5 Dining Tables – Metal Serie – volume 1 - Having a metal table doesn’t mean it can’t be paint [ATTACH]...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 5 Dining Tables – Wood Serie – volume 1 - A simple 4 or 6 places table, doesn’t take much space, nice little...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Showers – Bath & Water - Be prepared, it will look nice. [ATTACH] It is time to level up a bit the game...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 10 Maxi LOL Sofas – volume 1 - This sofa has been abandoned by some students of Veronaville few years ago …...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: Counter x9 – Vault Module Island - We don’t speak here about quick and dirty recolours, but true surface...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: Atomik Plant Plum Fern Pots x14 - The Plum Fern Plant is surely too one of the less ugly Maxis object of the...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Artworks – Ceramik Serie – volume 1 - Since no Sim would accept such unconventional work in their kitchen or...