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plasmafruitsalad submitted a new resource: simmandy's engima hair recolor - enigma hair recolored in 48 plasma colors (brights & deeps) i...
[IMG] [IMG] i finally learned how to recolor hairs!! here's a lil info here are some unedited screenshots- 1 & 2 imo they look better in-game...
plasmafruitsalad submitted a new resource: crop top jersey by marigold recolor - marigold's crop top in 23 vivid colors this sweater is super...
[IMG] this sweater is super vivid, your sim will be the best highlighter! unedited screenshot here
hi there~
plasmafruitsalad submitted a new resource: double rainbow blush - places a rainbow under the eyes of your sims, found in the blush category hi...
hi there~ this is my first cc (ㆁᴗㆁ✿) this blush is inspired by this skin for imvu, so credit to them for the idea! works for all skin tones &...