Separate names with a comma.
I'm glad you like them!
@midnightskysims I'm a firm believer in making only what I need/want in my game. =) I find that it helps me keep my sanity since I like to make...
@Hayny I love that! Very adorable.
KitOnlyHuman submitted a new resource: Brand New Attitude - New Outfit Mesh w/ 10 Colors Options [ATTACH] Read more about this resource...
It's starting to come together. Literally! Loving my new graphics card. =) [ATTACH] And in game, testing the side seam for my texture. Looking...
Anything you need help with, let me know!
Happy birthday!
I would love to see a mod that can make illnesses in GTW deadly. Just one or so, something that lets them die of causes that I don't usually have...
To be honest, it started as a personal project. My gentleman and I made our Simselves when The Sims 4 released to see how we saw each other. His...
Something awesome!
Give it time until the next pack releases. Lol.
Can't sleep. Can't make CC. :( I'm anxious to get my new graphics card!
My graphics card decided to go kaput on me. Blender, Photoshop, and Sims 4 open all at the same time just was too much for my little Zotac. I...
I personally never use alpha hairs in my Sims 4 game. But I love this color variety! I'm prone to natural colors primarily, but the unnaturals are...
KitOnlyHuman submitted a new resource: Oak Tree Fall Colors - Pack of 5 Oak Tree in Autumn colors. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [IMG] Read more about...
KitOnlyHuman submitted a new resource: 6 Jacket Outfit Textured Recolors - 6 Casual Jacket Outfits in detailed texture. [ATTACH] [IMG] Read...
KitOnlyHuman submitted a new resource: 6 Shirt Wrapped Textured Recolors - 6 textured recolors of the Outdoor Retreat shirt around the waist...