Separate names with a comma.
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: AMR Dollhouse Closet - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. [ATTACH] Converted from Sadepaivas' Sims 2...
[ATTACH] Converted from Sadepaivas' Sims 2 version. The clothing is from Sims 2.
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Halloween Fun with Dolls (Dollhouse) - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. [ATTACH] Sims 3 EP03...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Get the replacement doll for the Victorian dollhouse *HERE*. Sims 3 EP03 magicGnomeVampire Sims 3 EP08magicGnomeFall Sims 3 EP08...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Ihawk07 Castaway Stove Re-imagined - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
I've added some bones from Titan Quest and a small piece of the Castaway Stories buffet table to Ihawk07's rock stove to create this *authentic*...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: AMR Dollhouse Piano Haggy - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. [ATTACH] converted from Sadepaivas'...
[ATTACH] converted from Sadepaivas' Sims 2 version.
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Shark Bite Fridge and Shark Poster - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. This is just a little fun...
This is just a little fun *fantasy fridge*. [ATTACH] Shark poster and shark teeth converted from Sims 3. The fish bones are from the Sims 4...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Mid-Century Modern Bedroom- Bedside Candy Keeper - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. [ATTACH] Sims 3...
[ATTACH] Sims 3 Store content.
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Sweet Masses Chromodynamic Candy Dish - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. [ATTACH] Sims 3 Store...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Specter Sweets - WIP: specular and bump maps are blank. [ATTACH] Sims 3 Store Content. Read more about...
[ATTACH] Sims 3 Store Content.