Separate names with a comma.
Minor seam in uv-1 that's all fixed now - same colors let the new file overwrite the old! :D
dtron updated Peter Pan Collar Ruffle T-Shirt (aka Wendy 3) with a new update entry: Fixed UV-1 Read the rest of this update entry...
Fixed weird seams around collar thanks @cowplantcake for letting me know!
dtron updated Peter Pan Collar Crop Top (aka Wendy 4) with a new update entry: Crop Wendy Fix Read the rest of this update entry...
dtron submitted a new resource: Inga Dress - Almost modest maxi dress [ATTACH] New mesh! 30 Swatches including 10 patterns, and some neutrals...
[ATTACH] New mesh! 30 Swatches including 10 patterns, and some neutrals and some with just the borders colored in For human & alien! Under...
That sucks :( unfortunately it's not my mesh so I can't really do much except tell the creator. I think I fixed it actually! I copied it wrong...
dtron submitted a new resource: Kosmik Fox - toskami's Fox Ears/Tail in nyren's kosmik pastels [ATTACH] Adds 15 swatches to original mesh...
[ATTACH] Adds 15 swatches to original mesh (REQUIRED)! For human only NO paysites, NO reuploading, NO claiming as your own
dtron submitted a new resource: SimLaughLove Trio of Recolors - Mostly Patterned recolors of @simlaughlove's meshes [ATTACH] I love, love, love...
[ATTACH] I love, love, love these meshes by @simlaughlove and me being who I am I had to put some patterns on them. NEED @simlaughlove‘s MESHES...
dtron submitted a new resource: Spring Fling Dress Longer & some w/Belt - Dress from Spring Fling pack but, longer :D [ATTACH] New mesh,...
[ATTACH] New mesh, should be BGC All 20 colors from the Spring Fling Stuff pack by @nolan-sims, @snooderful, @xDeadGirlWalking and myself 10...
dtron submitted a new resource: Teanmoon's Living Walls in Eversims Palette - Matches the Cutesy Creature Containers [ATTACH] @teanmoon ‘s...
[ATTACH] @teanmoon ‘s Living Walls recolored to match our Cutesy Creature Containers in all 22 of @eversims ‘ Ever so Lovely palette. @teanmoon...
dtron submitted a new resource: Easter Alice Dress - A pretty poofy princess Dress for your sims [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I’m still pretty burnt out...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I’m still pretty burnt out from the Spring Fling Stuff Pack but, I’ve been wanting to recolor this dress for a long time and...
I'm so sorry! Here is the actual package.
dtron updated Long GT Bow Top with a new update entry: UPDATED FILE! Read the rest of this update entry...
dtron submitted a new resource: Cold Shoulder Shirt - Edit of MH Dress with new neckline, hem, texture, etc. [ATTACH] New mesh! Should be BGC...