Separate names with a comma.
Remember you don't have to donate, but it is much appreciated! If you don't want to do so, just put "0" in the donation popup. Finally, your Sims...
Good news everyone! We got the A-OK from the mesh maker - Version 1.0 will be coming on Friday!
Hi Claudia! First of all, I am really going to keep testing to a closed group of people before I release version 1.0. However, that shouldn't take...
As far as I know, custom ingredients do work with this mod!
SQUEEE! I'm working on a grocery store mod for The Sims 4 and it's coming along well! If all goes to plan, you'll be able to try a beta soon!...
SMagGeorge submitted a new resource: How to Accept Donations - It's easier than you might think. SimsWorkshop now supports a PayPal donation...
SimsWorkshop now supports a PayPal donation system for all creators. This guide will show you how to make both new and existing resources...
Where did January go? o.o
Kamikaze by MØ, such a good song :LOL:
Thank you!
Sims Model? Do you mean poses per chance?
Just standing here in the rain over in the UK. o.o
Glad you are enjoying it here!
These look beautiful! I will have to download :D Welcome to SimsWorkshop!
SMagGeorge submitted a new resource: IKEA Store Pack - All the things you could need to make your own IKEA store! I was building a furniture...
I was building a furniture store for my Sims and decided that, as seems to be the way for me, we needed some signage to put up! And, voila, the...
Here is a list of commonly asked questions, and their answers, about our website. Q: How do I register for an account? A: You can register for an...
So awesome to have them here!