Hello, I am looking for custom content to download that is about Ancient Egypt. I am looking for male and female hair styles, jewelry, crowns, dresses, etc. If anyone is either to make something for me or link me to some sites that might have things like that? Please let me know. It is very frustrating to look for all this custom content and it's all for sims 3 and 2. I am specifically looking for sims 4 custom content. I hope to have some help with this soon. Thanks.
@BigUglyHag and others in this community might be able to convert some of them for you. Got any links to share where we can take a glimpse at what you're looking for, @Oueen of Egypt ?
Ohhh! Where have I been! I missed this! I have been meaning to convert some of the Sims 3 tomb objects. (I don't do CAS items...at least not yet.)