Separate names with a comma.
eightysixsims submitted a new resource: Humble Peasant Blouse Recolors - Original by PickyPikachu [ATTACH] [ATTACH] @pickypikachu Humble...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] @pickypikachu Humble Peasant Blouse in 21 colors Female - Teen to Elder Enabled for random Tagged for colors Custom catalog...
eightysixsims submitted a new resource: Nursery Prints - Non-Simlish prints for your children's bedroom and nursery [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Nursery...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Nursery Prints V1 §125 Catalog thumbnails Custom thumbnails 30 prints Terms of Use Do not claim as your own. Do not upload...
eightysixsims submitted a new resource: Kids Just-So Curtains - Curtains for kids of all genders. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Kids Just-So...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Kids Just-So Curtains §285 Catalog thumbnails Custom thumbnails 81 patterns Terms of Use Do not claim as your own....
eightysixsims submitted a new resource: Untattered Double Curtains V1 - Less spooky curtains. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] §185 Catalog thumbnails...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] §185 Catalog thumbnails Custom thumbnails 20 pattern and color combinations Terms of Use Do not claim as your own. Do not...
eightysixsims submitted a new resource: Color Dipped Tables and Chairs - Colorful addition to any dining room. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] §50...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] §50 for the chairs, §255 for the square table, §435 for the rectangle table Tagged for table or chair colors, not...
eightysixsims submitted a new resource: Simlish Floral Wall Charts - For the gardener in your life. [ATTACH] §125 Found under Decorations >...
[ATTACH] §125 Found under Decorations > Paintings & Posters 4 Posters (from left: Mountain Cornflower, Poppy, Horseshoe Vetch, and Snow Drop)...
eightysixsims submitted a new resource: White Trim Walls - Paint walls in my palette. [ATTACH] §2 Found under Walls > Paint Tagged for colors...
[ATTACH] §2 Found under Walls > Paint Tagged for colors Custom thumbnails Terms of Use Do not claim as your own. Do not upload anywhere...
eightysixsims submitted a new resource: Cantankerous Cackleberries Shortened and Recolored - Shortened for use in short walled homes. [ATTACH]...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] §137 for originals, § 138 for recolors Found under Lighting > Ceiling Tagged for colors Comes in a zip...
eightysixsims submitted a new resource: Ruffle Tee Dress Recolor - A recolor of a pretty and casual dress by simlaughlove. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Comes in my complete palette, which you can find here. Custom thumbnails Tagged for colors You must have the mesh from...
eightysixsims submitted a new resource: Cross Strap Dress Recolor - A recolor of a gorgeous dress by simlaughlove [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Comes in...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Comes in my complete palette, which you can find here. Custom thumbnails You must have the mesh from simlaughlove, find it...