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SimsOMedia submitted a new resource: Jade's A Wildflower Art - Wildflowers, Quotes, and Other Things [ATTACH] 46 different prints all featuring...
[ATTACH] Excuse the horrible preview, but that is five out of the 46. City Living is Required, artwork costs 150 simoleans.
Noticed the back roof which goes over the kitchen still had a white trim and I've fixed that so it matches.
SimsOMedia updated Essie’s with a new update entry: Roof Update Read the rest of this update entry...
SimsOMedia submitted a new resource: Essie’s - A cozy restaurant [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I’ve themed this to be a cozy, romantic restaurant. There are...
SimsOMedia submitted a new resource: Modern D. House - Modern 40x30 Shell for Oasis Springs [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Alright guys, here is...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Alright guys, here is the work in progress I was working on last night. After taking another stab at it today I’ve...
SimsOMedia submitted a new resource: Vixen Trait - For sims who love romance Sims with this trait are incredibly irresistible. They shouldn't...
Sims with this trait are incredibly irresistible. They shouldn't have a problem getting to know people, or finding a mate, whether that be one,...
SimsOMedia submitted a new resource: Djinn Trait - Genies in the sim world Djinn's are the most powerful form of genies. Although free from...
Djinn's are the most powerful form of genies. Although free from their bottles they tend to keep their caged mentality. As lonely individuals,...
SimsOMedia submitted a new resource: Druid Trait - Magical Sims Druids are powerful magic sims. They are often found outside, among their garden...
Druids are powerful magic sims. They are often found outside, among their garden and herbs, and are extremely grateful to the earth for what they...
SimsOMedia submitted a new resource: Faerie Trait - For land loving sims Believed to be tiny creatures who only come out around dusk, or dawn,...
Believed to be tiny creatures who only come out around dusk, or dawn, faeries are rumored to have never been seen by the sim eye. Unbeknownst to...
SimsOMedia submitted a new resource: Mermaid Trait - There's not only fish in the sea Although mermaids are generally thought to be creatures of...
Although mermaids are generally thought to be creatures of the deep sea, a few have decided to take a chance at living on land. Unfortunately as...
SimsOMedia submitted a new resource: Vampire Trait - Vampires on the prowl Vampires are normally considered undead, but these sims are very much...
Vampires are normally considered undead, but these sims are very much alive. While vampires are thought of to generally be seductive, each vampire...