Separate names with a comma.
I apologize for the dead link. I was unaware that it was dead. I have updated the mesh download link. If you're looking for other Hallowsims...
Found a working link!!! Mesh link has been updated @Marcel Torak
Thank you for the heads up @Marcel Torak. I will update the meshes link when I find the correct link. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Sympxls submitted a new resource: Sympxls Ghost Chair - Sympxls Ghost Chair Sympxls Ghost Chair [IMG] 15 woods & 46 solid colors in the...
Sympxls Ghost Chair [IMG] 15 woods & 46 solid colors in the Autumn Shade palette, plus a white swatch Cost §1 Custom thumbnails TS3 mesh...
Sorry for the inconvenience Annie! Try right clicking and opening in new tab. That should do the trick. If not let me know and I'll send the...
Sympxls submitted a new resource: Sympxls Heavensward Dress Recolor - Sympxls Heavensward Dress Recolor [IMG] 41 patterned & 60 solid swatches...
[IMG] 41 patterned & 60 solid swatches over 2 .packages Custom thumbnails CAS Standalone Disabled for Random MESH REQUIRED LINKED ABOVE
Sympxls submitted a new resource: Sympxls Floorbed Blanket & Pillows Recolor - Sympxls Floorbed Blanket & Pillows Recolor [IMG] 42 patterned &...
[IMG] 42 patterned & 60 solid swatches for the blanket. 60 solid swatches for each version of the pillows. Cost §1. Found in bed category. Custom...
Sympxls submitted a new resource: Sympxls Front Tie Blouse Recolor - Sympxls Front Tie Blouse Recolor [IMG] Sympxls Front Tie Blouse Recolor...
[IMG] Sympxls Front Tie Blouse Recolor 60 solid colors & 34 patterned swatches split between 2 .packages Custom thumbnails CAS Standalone...
Sympxls submitted a new resource: Sympxls Valentine Bralette Edit Recolor - Sympxls Valentine Bralette Edit Recolor [IMG] Sympxls Valentine...
[IMG] Sympxls Valentine Bralette Edit Recolor 60 solid colors Custom thumbnails CAS Standalone Disabled for Random MESH REQUIRED LINKED ABOVE
thanks for letting me know the link was dead. I've updated my downloads page. Here's the link for the mesh
thanks for letting me know the link was dead. I've updated it on my download page, but here's a link to the mesh anyways <3 [MEDIA]
Sympxls submitted a new resource: Sympxls Tit Shirt Recolor - Sympxls Tit Shirt Recolor [IMG] Sympxls Tit Shirt Recolor 60 solid colors for...
[IMG] Sympxls Tit Shirt Recolor 60 solid colors for each style; 3 styles; 3 .packages in download folder. Custom thumbnails CAS Standalone...
Sympxls submitted a new resource: Sympxls Spring Top Recolor - Sympxls Spring Top Recolor [IMG] Sympxls Spring Top Recolor 60 solid colors...
[IMG] Sympxls Spring Top Recolor 60 solid colors Custom thumbnails CAS Standalone Disabled for Random MESH REQUIRED LINKED ABOVE Mesh credits...