Separate names with a comma.
Much, even if Ive gotten pink eye least this time it isn't contagious!
Back in action guys....just waiting on my game to finish with repairs. I am sorry I have been so absent! *hugs* Life.....forums.......ect ect get...
"Oh you kids" *whispers* Can I say that?! I am 37! LMAO!! In all seriousness, I understand how you feel. I may not be in school anymore, but I get...
I know it won't be :)
Awwww...*pats back*'ll get through it Josh!! I have faith in you!!
So, it no longer hurts going down the stairs.........YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Still hurts to run but small steps! I am hoping that that will change...
At least hes cute when he eldest nephew? He WHINES and is Okay.......'nother game: it lags...
Random thought for today: Is it normal for a 10 year old to be REALLY whiny? OMG.....this morning my eldest nephew starts having a melt down...
Been there done that lol
Oh Lordy.......ssssooooo cabin feverish.......
He/she'll have to be an eye doc Yesterday, I found out I have pink eye......again.....for the third freakin time. I'm hoping this'll...
I seriously hope that I am being a worry wart and its nothing.....but if it is something and I am home today, it might be a win win considering I...
So if this injury isn't enough, my eye has to be pinkish.......again. I am getting tired of this.
More like "Owww.....mmmmyyyyy lllleeeeegggg....." LMAO!!
You can and you'd be least I am able to walk without looking like night of the living dead lol
My calf is feeling OK.......I can now roll my foot without much pain until I try to push off with my toes. *sigh*
UGH!!!! Work..........I hurt my calf yesterday and had to work on it. I was at the gym and had my foot planted and my leg went the other way. I...
Think I twisted my calf muscle or sprained it.....worked on it.....ugh
Looks cool Haggy!! ;)
Hi there all!!