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BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: CS Stone Head Floor Lamp - WIP (the DST images are blank grey) [ATTACH] This was cloned to the ts4 floor...
[ATTACH] This was cloned to the ts4 floor candle holder you can see one small flame at the top when it is on. [ATTACH] the flame could...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: 2 to 4 Country Desk - WIP (the DST images are blank grey) [ATTACH] Read more about this resource...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: 2 to 4 Fine Finish Desk - WIP (the DST images are blank grey) [ATTACH] Read more about this resource...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Castaway Stories Sock Monkey Doll - WIP (the DST images are blank grey) When the dolls are placed in game...
When the dolls are placed in game it's feet will intersect the ground or surface. this was done intentionally so that when the Sim holds it, it...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Castaway Stories Poison Idol as a Dining Chair - WIP (the DST images are blank grey) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Castaway Stories Poison Idol as a Table - WIP (the DST images are blank grey) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Read more...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: Castaway Stories Poison Idol (Decor) - WIP (the DST images are blank grey) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Read more...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: hafiseazale Bioshock Infinite Headstone Child - WIP (the DST images are blank grey) This was converted...
This was converted from hafiseazale's sims 2 version. [ATTACH]
I found some of the pyramid parts in Castaway Stories. All of the new pieces except one copy of the open door are decor and found under "rocks"...
BigUglyHag updated TS2 to 4 Pyramid Build Set with a new update entry: Pyramid Build Set with added parts Read the rest of this update entry...
BigUglyHag submitted a new resource: 2 to 4 Potato Sack Baby (as a toy) - WIP (the DST images are blank grey) For those children who's families...
For those children who's families can't afford the other toys. This "doll' is only $1 in game. [ATTACH] .....actually I think that's a flour...