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k-hippie submitted a new resource: 5 Dining Tables – Metal Serie – volume 1 - Having a metal table doesn’t mean it can’t be paint [ATTACH]...
[ATTACH] Sure, Maxis didn’t miss the mark with this simple dining table but they sure did miss the metal aspect. Having a metal table doesn’t...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 5 Dining Tables – Wood Serie – volume 1 - A simple 4 or 6 places table, doesn’t take much space, nice little...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Showers – Bath & Water - Be prepared, it will look nice. [ATTACH] It is time to level up a bit the game...
[ATTACH] It is time to level up a bit the game in your Sims bathroom and offer decent showers. Be prepared, it will look nice. It will make your...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 10 Maxi LOL Sofas – volume 1 - This sofa has been abandoned by some students of Veronaville few years ago …...
[ATTACH] Here come some recolours ( 10 ) of a maxis sofa we named the Maxi Lol Sofa :D Its story is interesting indeed. This sofa has been...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: Counter x9 – Vault Module Island - We don’t speak here about quick and dirty recolours, but true surface...
[ATTACH] We are proud to present you a bit more difficult object recolour : The Vault Module Island Counter. The Vault Module Island Counter is...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: Atomik Plant Plum Fern Pots x14 - The Plum Fern Plant is surely too one of the less ugly Maxis object of the...
[ATTACH] Aren’t you fed up with maxis ( sooooooo ) flashy/glossy plant pots ? ;) The Plum Fern Plant is surely too one of the less ugly Maxis...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Artworks – Ceramik Serie – volume 1 - Since no Sim would accept such unconventional work in their kitchen or...
[ATTACH] This is the work of an artist for ceramik. We loved the idea and thought : since no Sim would accept such unconventional work in their...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Paintings – classiKa – volume 3 - There is something about paintings that makes you wonder on meanings,...
[ATTACH] We will always have a soft spot for classical paintings. There is something about paintings that makes you wonder on meanings, colours,...
The Blushing continues as we notice we are on the top 5 of most active authors. *intensely blushing*
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 7 Artworks – B&W Photography – Nature Serie – volume 1 - The beauty of b&w photos, it goes well everywhere....
Sure, photos on walls are nothing new. Still, Nature is full of wonder and it is good to be reminded of such power where you live, in your comfort...
k-hippie submitted a new resource: 3 Posters – I want to Believe – volume 1 - Mulder ! Scully ! Mulder ?! Scully !!*drop flashlight* [ATTACH]...