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Sympxls DescargasSims Blankets & Pillows 2016-10-03

3to4 Blankets & Pillows Conversions

  1. Sympxls
    • Bedroom
    3 to 4 conversion of DescargasSims recolors of Blankets & Pillows meshes from Jonesi, Najimu, & Milla. 12 swatches for Jonesi's double bed blanket with 12 matching swatches for Najimu's pillow. 5 swatches for Milla's double bed blanket.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    1. 1.png
    2. 2.png
    3. 3.png
    4. 4.png
    5. 5.png
    6. a.png
    7. b.png
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