Just a random experiment: I tried to try to draw a one piece doodle that was vaguely chair shaped...to see if I could make it work as a chair just through scaling in any direction. (No cutting of the mesh....or selecting specific vertices.)
- Department:
- Living Room
....and here is the original doodle...
....it did have to be stretched front to back more than I would have liked, will have to allow more room for the seat if I ever try again!
*Here* is the method that I have used to create all of the (3) original meshes I have done so far. That tutorial doesn't include instructions on how to UV map.....so *here* is kittylantern's tutorial for that.
Many thanks to Kittylantern! I couldn't have made a mesh it without your help!
Haggy Doodle Chair Beta
WIP (the DST images are blank grey)