- Age:
- Teen
- Young Adult
- Adult
- Elder
- Hair Type:
- Regular Hair
- Additional Requirements:
- The mesh is not included, download it here
I’ve wanted to retexture this hair for A WHILE because I’m a maxis match hoe. Finally got the motivation and energy to do it so yeah!! The version with the dreads look best but that isn’t to say that the braided version looks bad, it doesn’t. As usual it comes with both braid & dread textures. Everything should be fine but if not lemme know.
- Custom thumbnails
- Standalone
- Dreads & Braided textures
- Mesh by Editsim
- 18 Swatches (EA’s)
Here is a tutorial if you want to remove the original texture and only keep the mesh.
Credit: editsim for the mesh, textures by me

Unisex Editsim’s Dreadbun V2 Maxis Matched 1.0
18 Swatches / Standalone / Custom Thumbnail / BGC / Adult / Unisex