- Department:
- Kitchen & Appliances
- Decoration
Hello! This is my first set of objects, I choose a kitchen because I needed something like this in my game, and I decided to share it.
This set took me a lot of time and effort, and still it is not perfect, I really hope you will like it as much as I do!
- Counter, 200 simoleons
- Island, 200 simoleons
- Chair, 50 simoleons
- Dishwasher, 550 simoleons
- Kitchen Boxes, 30 simoleons
- Cushions, 30 simoleons
- Potted-piary Plant, 70 simoleons
- RAW bathroom shelf Plant, 50 simoleons
- Scientific Berry Fronds Plant, 25 simoleons
If you have any question you can reach me at my tumblr: http://stefizzi.tumblr.com/
Adele Kitchen by Stefizzi 1
A kitchen inspired by TS2 Adele.