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Moderator, Female, from MO (USA)

Staff Member Creator

I have redirected all of my mods to Scarlet's tumblr. I won't be modding anymore due to new interests with different games and projects! Feb 6, 2019

Simstopics was last seen:
Sep 15, 2019
    1. VanillaKilla
      Hey just wondering if you will be updating the faster homework mod since we have Uni again?? Thanks!!
    2. Mister Nosis
      Mister Nosis
      Hello! Whatever happened to the Teen Skinny Dip mod? I’ve been trying to track it or one similar down and it seems it’s been deleted from everywhere.
      1. Simstopics
        I stopped supporting mine since the feature was available with DP's MCC mod. I no longer mod, I passed my mods to Scarlet since I'm focused on other games and projects.
        Feb 22, 2019
    3. Starry Might
      Starry Might
      The comment button on your posts is broken, but thanks for all you've done, and best of luck! (What games are you into now, by the way?)
      1. Simstopics
        I've really been into Apex Legends lately and Rainbow Six Siege I play on a GoPro team :)
        Feb 10, 2019
      2. Starry Might
        Starry Might
        Ah. (I've watched "Apex Legends" on Twitch, looks neat!)
        Feb 12, 2019
      3. Simstopics
        Yeah, my buddy and I are pretty good at it lol
        Feb 13, 2019
        Starry Might likes this.
    4. Simstopics
      I have redirected all of my mods to Scarlet's tumblr. I won't be modding anymore due to new interests with different games and projects!
    5. Simstopics
      All my mods are compatible for the update: 12/20/18 - PC / Mac EXCEPT All Walkstyles Disabled! Will be updated!
    6. Simstopics
      Updated All Walkstyles Disabled to include the walkstyle from Get Famous!
    7. Simstopics
      Today's update didn't affect my mods, just be sure to grab the updates for the Nov 13th patch!
    8. Simstopics
      Walkstyles Disabled, Faster Retail Actions, Faster Homework, and Children/Toddlers Can Die have been updated, please update these!
    9. Simstopics
      I will be updating/checking my mods today/tonight as needed for the new update. I'm in process of moving houses so you need to be patient.
    10. Simstopics
      All of my mods are compatible with today's patch except for Faster Retail Actions. Please redownload the update! Thanks!
      1. Starry Might likes this.
    11. Simstopics
      My mods are all compatible with July 31st patch. Sorry I was on vacation and just got back so just got around to checking!
      1. Starry Might likes this.
      2. Starry Might
        Starry Might
        It's cool, thanks for the info!
        Aug 4, 2018
        Simstopics likes this.
    12. mummy_001
      Hi, i have not played Sims 4 in 12 months and am in the process of updating all the mods i use. I can not seem to find your free perks mods, have you discontinued them?
      1. Simstopics
        Yes I have. I stopped updating any of the perk mods due to another user downloading my mod then reuploading them as their own on MTS. I hide certain words into the coding of my mods so when I see someone else uploading the same mod I download and search the code for that word to see if they're copying my work and this user is so I will not be doing that mod anymore.
        Aug 3, 2018
      2. Starry Might
        Starry Might
        I don't use that mod, but dang, that sucks.
        Aug 4, 2018
    13. Simstopics
      My mods are fine with today's patch, no update needed.
    14. Simstopics
      Will be uploading updated versions of my mods again (depending the mod) since S4S updated again with the new Seasons EP resources.
      1. Simstopics
        Meaning you only need to redownload if you have Seasons installed and want the extra part of the mod. (Children/Toddler dying of freezing/heat request) that'll be the only one reuploaded.
        Jun 22, 2018
    15. Simstopics
      All of my mods will need an update EXCEPT for Bad Grades are OK and Employees Stay 24 Hours! I will update the others later today after work
      1. Starry Might likes this.
      2. Starry Might
        Starry Might
        Thanks for the info. Your Walkstyles and Homework mods continued to work fine between your last post and this one, by the way. ^_^
        Jun 20, 2018
      3. Simstopics
        Yeah, just a little bit of the coding changed on them to accommodate something for people who will have the Seasons EP, so this will make sure it doesn't cause them issues whenever they install the pack :)
        Jun 20, 2018
        Starry Might likes this.
    16. Simstopics
      My mods don't need updated with yesterday's (3/20) patch!
      1. k-hippie likes this.
    17. Simstopics
      My mods are all compatible with today’s patch.
      1. k-hippie likes this.
    18. Simstopics
      Updated Club Perks to include the new Jungle Adventures and a couple Cat & Dogs club perks to the mod. Redownload and enjoy!
    19. Jewel16
      Thank you for your quick response to the Patch for Feb 22nd. I love your Mods. :)
      1. Simstopics likes this.
      2. Simstopics
        :) No problem, enjoy!
        Feb 28, 2018
    20. Simstopics
      All Walkstyles Disabled, Children Can Die of Anything, and Faster Retail Actions need updated so remove those! Everything else is fine!!
      1. Starry Might
        Starry Might
        I saw an email about the Walkstyles update yesterday. Thanks!
        Feb 23, 2018