G1G2. submitted a new resource: Changeable hair for Plant Sims - change your plant sim hair freely Read more about this resource...
I'd love to use this mod, but when I try to load my family, it gives me an error. I don't really use any mods, just 2-3 CC hairstyles. None were used in the family. Any idea what could be causing this? Or does the mod need an update?
Yup there is a number of my mods that needs to be updated, that's beacuse i haven't been active this last year due too being in my last year in school which means offical exams over here, i still have like 20 days to be fully done and afte that i will make sure update everything. Sorry for any inconvenience
Is there any chance that this mod is being worked on now? The game currently has a bug that has to do with plant sim hair. It randomly changes from leaves to hair, sometimes rapidly, and seems to be broken on any sim that becomes a plant sim. It is definitely a bug with the game and not a mod based thing. I was hoping this mod would fix it, so I am highly anticipating an update on this mod.
When I asked him about his mannequin mod he said he was going to update all his mods. I'd guess that includes this one.
G1G2. updated Changeable hair for Plant Sims with a new update entry: Plantsims No Defult Hair Seasons Update Read the rest of this update entry...
i was going to wait to finish updating all my cc/mods before uploading but since you guys need this mod and i have it done i see nothing wrong with uploading it now. meanwhile all the other stuff will bee updated in like two days, i'm mostly done.
this mod is fully updated to the latest released patch by ea as for the others they will be uploaded today,sorry it took this much time but i'm in the middle of moving houses so i was't able to do it faster