Hey all.......I am trying so hard not to be a total downer on Easter, but I can't help it right now. A week ago (maybe a little more than a week?), I had gotten pink eye. I went to confirm it with a walk-in clinic and they told me that's exactly what I had. So, they gave me drops for my eye. What they failed to tell me was, I needed to keep using the drops even if it looked like the condition cleared up and I didn't think I needed any more. Well, I had redness in the other eye.......it went away........went back into my other one (where I had said pink eye). Went to work thinking it would just go away........that maybe its something else causing it. I even checked it with the Nursing Director at my job (Im at an Assisted Living place as an Activities Assistant) who told me not to worry cause I thought that it might be pink eye yet again. So, on Friday I go see someone about it cause it got worse.......they said I had a super infection because what happened was that I didn't kill ALL the bacteria in my eye. They put me on drops again, told me to stay home from work today, AND on top of which I have to go back to see the eye doc again tomorrow.........therefore missing out on a mass at church being offered for my grandparents (Mom's parents). Good thing is that its not a one time thing. However, I messaged my supervisor and told her yesterday because I totally forgot to tell her about today. And her message to me was "I know, she told me. Now (insert coworker's name here) has pink eye too". Way to make me feel even more horrible than I do.......*sigh*