Aaaaaggghhh....I hate 4:30 am. No one on earth should ever even be aware that 4:30 ever happens. Everyone should just be blissfully sleeping! *Note to self: Hate alarm clock. Never make alarm clock. Alarm clock is BAD.
Happy day! A very talented creator is fixing the 2 to 4 Robot Crafting bench!!! It will be an electronics crafting bench!!!!
I was just thinking...we don't have a money tree! Why don't we have a money tree??? (Don't look at me I'm blonde ....I can't make that functional)..... Why am I thinking when I should be sleeping??? Break time.. zzzzzzzzzzzz. ......should I make a decorative money tree??? Hhhmmm. IDK.. I might.
Rofl!!!! I am way too CC attention deficit. I extracted that thing ages ago, and still haven't converted it! I gotta hunt that down!
OOOhhh....I got lost in real life for a little while and finally found my way back. We got new toys! You guys are awesome! I feel so powerful ....I'm a "creator" now! (Creator of silly and useless random simulated thingamajigs.)
@BigUglyHag why is your 1-year-old coffee in a Campbell soup can? Gosh I miss those tomato soup ... Also, that latest thinging is way better than facebook version. It's awesome !!
ROFL!!! The coffee was in the soup cup because I was at work. It was the only plastic cup I had. I work with kids, so I didn't want to bring a cup that might get broken.
I don't know if kids are more prone to brake cups. Lately, I literally stepped on my new favourite mug ( from Xmas time: "I'm only a morning person on December 25th" ) It made a tiny hole in the middle. It was fun to fill the cup and the water pouring out while I was wondering what was happening ¬_¬
I do this EVERY TIME!!!! Will I ever learn?? Apparently not! ("Learn? Why would I do that?"" asks the blonde!